
Monday, 15 February 2016

A trip down memory lane...

Forgive me for going "off topic" for this post...

Last week saw me in Devon, for a number of reasons.

It also gave me chance to visit some of my favourite places.

Below: with Dianne, atop Hay Tor on a cold, but sunny, day...

Below: the inevitable "selfie"! Or is it a "Dual-ie" if there's 2 of you in it?
And, for the first time in 31 years, I returned to Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC), Dartmouth, and enjoyed lunch in The Wardroom, followed by a meander down memory lane. It was great to be able to wander round the college (a treat afforded by prior arrangement to all Alumni) without being shouted at!

Below: The impressive College frontage. I never took much notice of the architecture all those ago!!

The highlight was in finding our "class" photo in one of the corridors off the quarterdeck.

That's a 21 year-old me, front row, second from right (with cap at a jaunty angle!). Slightly slimmer, fitter, and more officer-like than today!

Remember it like yesterday...
Also remember the other guys in the photo as if we chatted only yesterday. It's amazing the comraderie that gets built up during the hardships of military training. These guys know me better than most in the world.
Great days...


  1. Who said you can never go home again!!! Best regards, Bill

  2. Phil,
    For the first time in many years you look happy and content.

    Anne and I are very pleased.

  3. And a right dapper gent you were...and still are! :-)

    The photo's of the Tor and Dianne on the Tor have given me an idea for a terrain piece for Saga figures to slog over, especially the colours of he ground cover and the water in the pools, as well as the rocks. I acquired some hills made by a Scotsman years ago, and he has the rocks a very similar shape and colour to those in the photo. Naturally, they are very very different to those in Oz! Many thanks for posting these.

    Cheers, and best wishes, Rohan.
