
Saturday, 14 March 2020

Another Phalanx

Introducing the first of the Seleucid phalanx units...
In fact, I'm calling this the Antithesid army under their commander Antithesis II (again, fictional).

I decided to give these a slightly more 'eastern' look, and a blue theme for helmets and tunics, in opposition to the 'Macadamian' units which have a red theme.

Quite a number of units in this collection have a casualty figure... useful as markers, or to simply scatter around the table for effect.

Amongst all the current news, with events being cancelled left, right and Chelsea (literally), I'm delighted to be able to attend a concert at Birmingham Symphony Hall this evening... Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, and Saint Saen's Organ Symphony. These have been 2 of my favourite classical works since I was about 10, courtesy of my parents who introduced me to classical music all those years ago. I am very much looking forward to it.

Next week, I'm away on business for Monday-Tuesday, but might get some painting in towards the end of the week. And next weekend, viruses permitting, Steve and I have a game booked. We're staying flexible, and whilst it's not a gathering of 500 people, there may be 500 figures on the table... it will take quite some time to wash all those little hands.
On a serious note, to all my wargaming pals around the globe, stay safe and healthy. All the very best...


  1. And if we get isolated - we can paint all that bare metal !

    1. Here's hoping! Certainly, I will have plenty to be getting on with.
      Best regards. Phil

  2. Another extremely handsome unit, Phil. I never tire of gazing at your work. My on university has moved all spring courses to a "remote" footing until April 20th. We'll see how smoothly that goes, but I am hoping for a bit more time for some painting and maybe a game with my 10-year old son, who also has an extended spring holiday. Stay well.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thank you Stokes. Glad you like them. The current situation offers us all chance to get off the hamster wheel for a while, reflect, and do more fun hobby things. Best regards. Phil

  3. Beautiful unit Phil, the blue is a lovely shade.

    1. Thx Roddie. I like the blue very much. Foundry triad 73... Bavarian Cornflower blue. It's the same as I have used for my WVS Vaubarian troops. Best regards. Phil

  4. I always look towards your site and little men, irrespective of how grubby their little hands are, for inspiration! Well done! Is this another project where the two sides can ally to make a BIG force.

    1. Thx Lee. Yes, many of the troops will be useable for a larger combined army. I'm making the opposing phalanx units distinctly different, but the light infantry/ peltasts and Skirmishers, and the cavalry will be pretty well interchangeable. Best regards. Phil

  5. Excellent painting, they'll be one of the finest Graeco-Smurf units ever to grace the wargames table :-)

    Just wondering how to move them without getting stabbed; the pike must be just about the only weapon capable of causing injury even when miniaturised!

    1. Graeco Smurfs! Lol!! The pike are, indeed, deadly to the player.
      Maybe I will get visiting players to sign a disclaimer before using them! Phil
