
Thursday, 11 June 2020

An International Brigade

The Virtual Wargames Club is very international, with members all over the globe, and I love the different perspectives that are shared in our 90 minute 'meetings.'

Last weekend, we had two members deliver short presentations on aspects of the hobby, as well as the usual show n tell session - a chance to share pictures of what people have been working on through the week.
We also have hot topic discussion groups and give everyone a chance to have a say and get to know each other.

Here's last week's gang arriving ... 

We have 26 members at the moment, including a few new members this week, so it's growing steadily. If you want to join, just email me (see deails on the right side of this blog).

One of the interesting things is the wide experience of the group. and one member was even able to give simple advice on how, with one click, the changes that blogger is about to introduce can be overridden so that blogs can remain using the existing system. Very useful for a luddite like myself!

In oither news, I am nearing the 'home straight' in my painting of a new Pils-Holstein unit. Just final bits on muskets to do, then it will be basing and flags. So I should have something fresh to show next week!

Until then, stay safe...

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