
Thursday, 13 August 2020

More French in Bicornes

Have completed the second battalion of the 4eme Ligne, circa 1805.

And here they are in support of the first battalion

And a couple of closer photos of both battalions.

I'm enjoying painting these, although there's a fair amount of work in them with all the straps, piping and so on. 
I don't know if I will ever get to the point of being able to do Auserlitz, such as Carlo is just now - see link

But, who knows where it will lead...


  1. Very well done, Phil. The shading on the bicornes is marvelous. The water features on some of the bases are brilliant. Would you share how you did those?

    Front Rank miniatures take paint really well. I just wish Alec would quit sculpting those tiny little drums! 😉

  2. Nice work Phil, won't be long before you have division done :)

  3. Ah, the Front Rank French in bicorne are a splendid thing! Love your painting too Phil but its the basing I find equally as impressive, particularly those unique dark puddles which are really well done.

    Cheers, Doc
    Doc's 'Art of War'

  4. Another lovely looking unit Phil...
    This is a very tempting period... Carlo’s Austerlitz project is rather impressive.

    All the best. Aly

  5. These are looking quite sensational Phil. The Front Rank figures are very "paintable" if that makes sense as Alec does such an exquisite job in sculpting and casting that they really do seem to take paint extremely well compared to some other manufacturers. Thanks also for your very kind comments on my recent post and the link. Greatly appreciated.

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