
Sunday, 3 January 2021

Blog Housekeeping and Plans for the Year

Happy New Year!

The past couple of days I have been doing some long-intended housekeeping -tidying up the blog, adding a few more links, shifting things around in the right hand column, and also adding some more pages to properly reflect the projects I am working on at the moment.

There are a number of new project pages, and some old ones freshened up with new photos. Take a stroll round with a cuppa when you get 5 minutes.

For completeness, I have also added a page for the Classic Wargaming collection even though it has its own separate blog.

As for plans for the year ahead...

1. Wars of Vaubarian Succession (WVS). This will be my primary focus for painting and playing a few games in 2021. I have set a specific, ambitious painting points target here, but one that also allows me to stray into painting other things too.

2. Back of Beyond in Kaimenistan. I will also be tickling along the Back of Beyond project with the aim of having some small solo games as well. I have plenty of Chinese in stock to be working on, so they are definitely in the painting queue.

3. Other than those two projects, I have a 'paint what I fancy' mantra for the year, and as long as it adds to the various existing projects, no harm done. So, that could be more Pils-Holstein units, more Napoleonics, more Successors, more Colonials, etc. That is, of course, one of the advantages of having a range of projects 'in progress'.
Where I do need your help is in taming the new-project-itis... you have my permission to remind me not to stray from existing projects in the year to come. "I can resist anything, except temptation", as I believe the saying goes.

4. Shows. Who knows?! Wouldn't it be great to be planning to go to York, and Partizan, and so on this year?! Sadly, we will have to be patient. I am holding onto the hope of the second Partizan happening ... fingers crossed.

5. Games. I have said before that I am not much of a solo-gamer really. However, I have scheduled a few in for the year, and even if they simply descend into photo shoots for the various collections, that's no bad thing. 

That's about it... for public consumption anyway. Steve Gill and I are in regular correspondence around a number of other possibilities for this year. So, anything could happen!

Best regards to all for the year ahead. Let's make it a prosperous one.

All the best



  1. Good and interesting planning Phil, always pays. Look forward to see the results through the coming year. And a Happy New Year too!

    The solo games going to a photo shoot isn't a bad thing either.

  2. Phil, you may find you enjoy solo gaming. I will be watching in whichever direction you strike.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Phil,
    Just finished up my "plan" for 2021 and will post it soon. Good luck and as always a great blog.

  4. Good to see someone planning amidst all this malarchy! Best of luck Phil!

  5. Well done having a plan Phil and I hope you will manage to stick to it, concentration pays more wargaming dividends in the end than butterfly projects. cheers Chris G

  6. Hi, Phil! A Belated Happy New Year...I had an early return to work and am just catching up on leisure pursuits.

    Great plans for the year...regarding temptation...I would add a saying favoured by my late father... "Everything in moderation, especially moderation!" :-D

    I will be keenly looking forward to your reports.

    Cheers, Rohan.
