
Thursday, 4 November 2021

A New Blog on the Block...

Over the years, I have admired the modelling work of John Boadle.

Many readers will be familiar with the brilliant buildings John creates.

Well... I have some great news!
John asked me if I thought he should have a blog. And if so, would I be willing to help him get it set up.

You can imagine how keen I was to do so...

And so, a new blog is born.

John Boadle - Hand-Built History. (click link)

Pop over and have a look.

Expect John to be adding images from his extensive back-catalogue of models, and also some new stuff over the weeks and months ahead.


  1. Nice, will look forward to his future blog posts.

  2. Thanks, Phil for showing me how to set up the new blog and publicising it too! And thanks to those commenting here, for whose entertainment I hope to post a lot more material in the very near future.

  3. That looks really good.

  4. Very nice. And good to see Phil you are still mentoring would-be bloggers like you did me back in 2011. One of the best things I ever did and it's brought me so many new wargaming friends over the years. Thank you. Chris
