On Wednesday I received a signed limited edition print which I had first seen 20+ years ago as the cover illustration to Military Illustrated magazine (November 1992 issue).
It's a Chris Collingwood painting, and one I really think captures a certain atmosphere superbly well.
This was the front cover of the mag....

and here's the rear cover...

I took the picture to be framed, picked it up yesterday, and am now having to reposition other pictures in my hobby room to find space for it!
This week I've also been basing up some TYW figures.
The Swedish Yellow Regt is done, but flags not yet finished, so pics of these will be shown when ready.
Meanwhile, here are a couple of Imperialist officers. Both are conversions by Brian Rigelsford, painted by Dave Jarvis.

And finally, today I got chance to do some basic musket drill with a couple of fellows from my re-enactment unit who kindly came round for 3 hours and talked kit and weaponry! Excellent fun. Fortunately, we have quite a sizeable rear garden, and are not overlooked, otherwise the neighbours might have found it unusual to see 3 guys playing around with muskets! Looking forward to doing more in the coming weeks and months...