Sunday 27 April 2014

Grenadiers de France

Just a few snaps of my latest unit...
The Grenadiers de France. Painted by Mark Allen, with flags by Mark too.

This past week I have got on with basing these, and took these snaps on my iPad to record progress - I posted a full tutorial/ description of the process on John Ray's AMG forum and it garnered much interest, so I thought it worth a couple of pics here, as I know it's such a hot topic for wargamers everywhere!

The key for this style of basing is it's simplicity and "un-fussiness." It is reminiscent of the style pioneered by Peter Gilder, and is of course my version of the basing presented by John Ray. As well as the simplicity, it's also very robust and doesn't detract from the figures at all. Each to their own, but it's definitely working for me, for this project.

With James Brewerton having completed painting the next unit on the French roster (they are due to arrive this coming week), I'm glad I have got up to date with my basing backlog!

I'm mindful that I haven't yet presented the promised battle report from the Altenkirchen game played recently, but it's not forgotten (I'll do it when I get chance!), but thanks to all who regularly pop by this blog, and thank you for your continued interest and comments.
Cheers for now...