The infantry are starting to arrive into Pils-Holstein in some force

Here are the latest units in my 18th century Pils Holstein collection.
They have been forming an orderly queue ready for basing for a couple of weeks. Ironically, immediately they were finished, a further unit joined the basing queue!
First up, Prussian regiment IR7 Bevern.
Painted by David Jarvis, flags by Mark Allen. Basing by yours truly.
Next, French regiment Bourbon. I was going to say, "These really take the biscuit," but that would be a pun too far!
Painting and flags by Mark Allen.

At the weekend, Mark and I also pushed some lead around the tabletop, more of which anon perhaps.
But here's a couple of pictures to be going on with...
Above: French commanders consider their options.
Below, the French force is now 6 infantry battalions strong, plus Grassins. Happy with progress, so far...
For those who are attending the Partizan show in Newark at the end of May, you will see this French force taking to the field in a large multi-player game being organised by Graham Cummings - a collaborative effort from all the guys over at the AMG Forum.
Looking forward to it...
Meanwhile, back to basing more French!!