First off, thanks to all who have commented on the previous couple of blog posts recently. It's very much appreciated. Keep 'em coming.
Now, here's what I have been up to over the past ten days or so:
More of the steadily growing Napoleonic collection.
This is the Brigade Commander...
Plus the Brigade skirmish screen.
The Brigade so far...
Next, the remaining two battalions to paint in order to complete this first brigade.
The weekly VWC meetings are proving just the tonic to keep the brush wielded, as it seems to be for others. Yesterday's was a great session, with lots of material submitted by the guys for the show n tell section, a great presentation from one of the members on his collection of 20mm plastics, and a vibrant discussion in the breakout rooms. The banter level rises each week, and the chat box went to a record 130+ messages (and that's just the comments and asides).
I'm grateful to all the participants, and each week I never cease to be amazed and inspired. The over-riding essence of the group is that everyone has their own way of approaching the hobby, and all are equally valid.
Much enjoyment can be found in listening to people describing their plans and ideas, many of which you will see on their blogs. Getting the 'inside track', and behind the scenes thinking, adds meat to those bones. It's a wonderful way to spend 90 minutes each week.
And new members are always welcome...
Have completed the second battalion of the 4eme Ligne, circa 1805.
nd here they are in support of the first battalion

nd a couple of closer photos of both battalions.

I'm enjoying painting these, although there's a fair amount of work in them with all the straps, piping and so on.
I don't know if I will ever get to the point of being able to do Auserlitz, such as Carlo is just now - see link -
But, who knows where it will lead...
Last week I had some time off, so Steve and I agreed to meet up for a socially distanced lunch at our favourite venue/Fencible HQ in Moreton-in-Marsh in the Cotswolds.
One of the things that cropped up during our chat was my planning folder which I use to keep track of my hobby activities and plans. Each project has a separate section in which I have an overview (rationale, criteria, objectives, etc) and then things like scenarios, orders of battle, painting schedules, handy references, notes and ideas, and so on.

Coincidentally, at this week's Virtual Wargames Club, one of the members who was giving a short presentation on what he had been up to this week showed us some of the planning he does for his projects. This sparked a discussion which we took into the breakout session. It seems that the wargaming world is fairly polarised... some people like to have a comprehensive plan of what they are doing, while others are happy to simply do what takes their fancy. Neither is right or wrong, of course. It's just interesting to see how others go about things.
After over three months, it does look like the VWC is here to stay, and I'm indebted to the members who turn up week in, week out, to chat in a convivial atmosphere about the hobby. Many have messaged me privately to say how much they value and enjoy the weekly gathering and how much it has helped them in the current circumstances. For that, I'm very grateful.
At the moment we are collating a list of rules for all periods as a resource for members who may want to venture into new periods...
… a sort of "Rules-Advisor!"
We also have a recommended reading list compiled by the members, and I've been stocking up on parts of my library as a result!
Last week we also got onto the subject of 'inspirational photos that got you hooked'. This has led to lots of old favourites coming out... magazine covers, books, and so on. All good fun, and the sorts of things you'd chat about at any normal wargames club. Add to that, inspiring presentations on painting, games, and other hobby activities, in all periods, and it feels like a great way to spend 90 minutes each week.
Meanwhile, I've been painting, and will soon have something new to show.
Until then, all the best...