Wednesday 31 March 2021

Interim update

 Just thought I would post a quick interim update.

I anticipate having some figures finished and photographed to show by the weekend...

In the meantime, a couple of items to report.

1. I attended the Royal Armouries zoom webinar event last week featuring Dave Marshall (TM Terrain) and The Perries (is it Perries, or Perrys? A bit of a Proudfoots/Proudfeet conundrum I always think) talking about The Agincourt Diorama. It was an enjoyable hour or so, and is on the Royal Armouries youtube channel. Worth a quick watch.

2. Some sad news... One of the members of the Virtual Wargames Club, Ian Thompson, sadly passed away recently, reportedly from coronavirus. Based in The Philippines, Thomo was a regular contributor to the VWC... you can see his work on his 'Thomo's Hole' blog (see links on right). I can't say I knew him well, other than our regular VWC zoom meetings, but my condolences go out to his friends and family, and all those who knew him better than I, within the hobby and beyond. He will be missed.

Back at the weekend with some wargaming good cheer, I hope...