Thanks to all who commented on my previous sad post, and to those who took the trouble to write, and email, and send condolences in so many ways. Myself and my family are very grateful.
On to happier themes...
Ring out Solstice Bells!
As the year draws to a close, and the festivities begin in earnest, I'm embroiled in finishing up some wargaming bits n bobs before the clan arrives for Christmas.
So, my workbench is covered in units at various stages of finishing and basing.
Royal Ecossais, Prussian Grenadiers 5/20 (Jung Billerbeck), and Austrian Grenadiers are in view, as well as a French brigade commander.
Like many, I'm also eagerly awaiting some parcels - it's that time of year, isn't it?!
I decided to treat myself to something new for the season - just reading matter, but it will be easy to retreat behind the bastions of a hobby-related book while others are engaged in the offerings on the box.
This year, I can look back with some satisfaction at painting output, with a mix of 18th Century, Colonial, and Ancients all receiving attention.
Next year, more of the same - I'll finish the Macedonian army; add to the Colonial madness; and the 18C stuff may even get to the stage where it is ready to see the light of day at a show.
I'm also toying with the idea of a little adventure into something new, and very different. I'm at the exciting stage of sourcing figures, rules and other project paraphernalia (sniffing out lists, assessing ranges, and ogling stuff on the web and facebook groups for inspiration and ideas).
And finally, to all who have visited the blog this year, let me take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Sad news
On Thursday 1 December 2016, after a ten year battle with cancer, Elizabeth passed away.
Many who visited to wargame at our home met her, which is why I decided to post about her passing here. And, of course she was chief assistant in putting together The Classic Wargamer's Journal back in 2010-11.
We separated and subsequently divorced in 2012, but remained great friends: after all we parented two wonderful children, both of whom are coping ok in the circumstances.
I'm in shock, as the extent of the latest batch of cancer treatment had been kept from me (at her request, lest I be upset). The children, Christopher and Victoria, had been with her constantly over the past few weeks, at her bedside, and in the end her passing was peaceful.
She was a remarkable, lady (after all, she put up with me for 25 years, supporting my hobby, encouraging me, and never once rolling her eyes at yet another hour spent at the paint desk).
She is irreplaceable, and I will miss her terribly.
Goodbye Elizabeth. My best friend. The world seems empty now.
Many who visited to wargame at our home met her, which is why I decided to post about her passing here. And, of course she was chief assistant in putting together The Classic Wargamer's Journal back in 2010-11.
We separated and subsequently divorced in 2012, but remained great friends: after all we parented two wonderful children, both of whom are coping ok in the circumstances.
I'm in shock, as the extent of the latest batch of cancer treatment had been kept from me (at her request, lest I be upset). The children, Christopher and Victoria, had been with her constantly over the past few weeks, at her bedside, and in the end her passing was peaceful.
She was a remarkable, lady (after all, she put up with me for 25 years, supporting my hobby, encouraging me, and never once rolling her eyes at yet another hour spent at the paint desk).
She is irreplaceable, and I will miss her terribly.
Goodbye Elizabeth. My best friend. The world seems empty now.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
18th Century activity
With my recent posts being about the development of my Macedonian Successor army, you might be forgiven for thinking there's been nothing happening in the main project: namely, the 18th century Pils-Holstein collection.
Just to allay those fears... here's a couple of shots of Prussian and Pils-Holstein forces ...

There are more Prussians receiving attention from David Jarvis' paint brush in time for Christmas, plus I've got some French arriving from Mark Allen at any moment. Meanwhile, I'm working on more French ancillary stuff (wagons and general "back-of-table" paraphenalia), and some cavalry conversions too, for both sides.
Photos of some of that soon...
Just to allay those fears... here's a couple of shots of Prussian and Pils-Holstein forces ...

There are more Prussians receiving attention from David Jarvis' paint brush in time for Christmas, plus I've got some French arriving from Mark Allen at any moment. Meanwhile, I'm working on more French ancillary stuff (wagons and general "back-of-table" paraphenalia), and some cavalry conversions too, for both sides.
Photos of some of that soon...
Sunday, 6 November 2016
New Pages added
A reorganisation of pages has taken place this past couple of days (see list of pages on the right hand side).
- re-jigged the archives pages into one gallery,
- added pages for the Colonial project (The Ghabazaar Imperative),
- revamped The Pils Holstein page,
- and added a new page for the Macedonian Successors army which is coming on apace...
I've had a bit of a photo session with other collections too, and even a game. More images will be added as I get round to it in the days to come.
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Making a Contribution
Like many, I was so sorry to hear of the recent passing of "Bluebear" Jeff Hudelson.
I had never met Jeff in person, but we had exchanged emails, and he had written a contribution for my little magazine "The Classic Wargamers' Journal" (more of which in a moment).
More importantly, Jeff had contributed (there's that word again) hugely to the hobby, and particularly the Imagi-Nations and 18th century arena of the hobby, by setting up the Emperor vs Elector blog. There can't be many readers here who haven't also visited E v E, even if only for the comprehensive listing of other blogs, compiled in order of latest post... so handy for a quick check of who's doing what.
So, thank you Jeff for your contribution.
No doubt, you also contributed when at the tabletop amongst your wargaming buddies too. And my thoughts go out to them, for they will have lost a good friend and valued "opponent."
Jeff's games had a certain "look" to them. Not to everyone's taste, I'm sure, but Jeff had settled on what he wanted and it had a homogenous, cosy, comfortable appeal. His ECW collection was also one of my favourites.
So, here's to you Jeff... a true contributor to the hobby. Well done. And thank you.
Talking of contribution...
It's good to see Stokes and Greg getting their new venture going
- see
for details.
And thank you, Stokes and Greg, for the kind words about The Classic Wargamers' Journal in the introduction to the new venture.
I do hope it's a great success. And I hope I'll be able to contribute in some way.
So, over to those readers and surfers who sit on the sidelines ... go on, why not contribute.
I see so many people online, in forums, and so on, bemoaning the aging of the hobby, the diminishing hobby numbers, and wondering about the future of the hobby.
You know, regardless of numbers, as long as those who are in our little hobby make a contribution, then it will flourish. It will.
Just as the small band of Grants, Youngs, Featherstones, et al contributed in the past.
They were "net givers."
And regardless of numbers, it's "net givers" that we need.
Just like the Grants, Young, and Featherstone... and yes, the Jeff Hudelsons of the world.
And you...
I had never met Jeff in person, but we had exchanged emails, and he had written a contribution for my little magazine "The Classic Wargamers' Journal" (more of which in a moment).
More importantly, Jeff had contributed (there's that word again) hugely to the hobby, and particularly the Imagi-Nations and 18th century arena of the hobby, by setting up the Emperor vs Elector blog. There can't be many readers here who haven't also visited E v E, even if only for the comprehensive listing of other blogs, compiled in order of latest post... so handy for a quick check of who's doing what.
So, thank you Jeff for your contribution.
No doubt, you also contributed when at the tabletop amongst your wargaming buddies too. And my thoughts go out to them, for they will have lost a good friend and valued "opponent."
Jeff's games had a certain "look" to them. Not to everyone's taste, I'm sure, but Jeff had settled on what he wanted and it had a homogenous, cosy, comfortable appeal. His ECW collection was also one of my favourites.
So, here's to you Jeff... a true contributor to the hobby. Well done. And thank you.
Talking of contribution...
It's good to see Stokes and Greg getting their new venture going
- see
for details.
And thank you, Stokes and Greg, for the kind words about The Classic Wargamers' Journal in the introduction to the new venture.
I do hope it's a great success. And I hope I'll be able to contribute in some way.
So, over to those readers and surfers who sit on the sidelines ... go on, why not contribute.
I see so many people online, in forums, and so on, bemoaning the aging of the hobby, the diminishing hobby numbers, and wondering about the future of the hobby.
You know, regardless of numbers, as long as those who are in our little hobby make a contribution, then it will flourish. It will.
Just as the small band of Grants, Youngs, Featherstones, et al contributed in the past.
They were "net givers."
And regardless of numbers, it's "net givers" that we need.
Just like the Grants, Young, and Featherstone... and yes, the Jeff Hudelsons of the world.
And you...
Sunday, 16 October 2016
High Standards
Back to the Macedonian Successors, and just finished these two pieces:
First: The Army Standard Bearer

Second: a small Infantry Command Vignette.

Standards are linen, hand-painted.
First: The Army Standard Bearer

Second: a small Infantry Command Vignette.

Standards are linen, hand-painted.
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Prussian IR19 - Markgraf Karl
Finished basing these fellows the other day, so here in all their glory is IR19 - Markgraf Karl.
Painting by Dave Jarvis, flags by Mark Allen.
Painting by Dave Jarvis, flags by Mark Allen.
Thursday, 6 October 2016
How could I forget? ... and Florence!
Last time I laid out my plans for the various aspects of the projects I have running, and it was only a short while later that I realised I had made one glaring omission.
How could I forget my Classic Wargaming collection?
Of course, this aspect of my hobby is largely covered by my other blog:
All my Spencer Smith figures were sold off a while ago, but I still have the Staddens - the likes of Erbprinz Regt and the artillery batteries, amongst others.
Of late I've been thinking about what I now do with this collection, and how to build it to some semblance of "finished." I'm not in any great hurry, but I do have a couple of ambitions in this area. So, I guess that makes 5 hobby arenas.
Meanwhile, I enjoyed a late summer break: just a few days away in sunny Florence - a place I had visited before, but of which I never tire. Now, I could show pictures of wonderful art, architecture, and restaurants. Needless to say these featured high on the list of activities. But for wargamers something more interesting, perhaps, was on show, just near the Uffizi Galleries:
Make of that what you will. I thought it a nice interesting piece.
Oh and yes, I've been back at the painting desk, with progress on a couple of fronts. Photo to follow soon...
Meanwhile, all the best...
How could I forget my Classic Wargaming collection?
Of course, this aspect of my hobby is largely covered by my other blog:
All my Spencer Smith figures were sold off a while ago, but I still have the Staddens - the likes of Erbprinz Regt and the artillery batteries, amongst others.
Of late I've been thinking about what I now do with this collection, and how to build it to some semblance of "finished." I'm not in any great hurry, but I do have a couple of ambitions in this area. So, I guess that makes 5 hobby arenas.
Meanwhile, I enjoyed a late summer break: just a few days away in sunny Florence - a place I had visited before, but of which I never tire. Now, I could show pictures of wonderful art, architecture, and restaurants. Needless to say these featured high on the list of activities. But for wargamers something more interesting, perhaps, was on show, just near the Uffizi Galleries:
Make of that what you will. I thought it a nice interesting piece.
Oh and yes, I've been back at the painting desk, with progress on a couple of fronts. Photo to follow soon...
Meanwhile, all the best...
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Butterflies - but flying in formation
Have you ever opened up a wargames magazine, seen a photo of a game, a range of figures, or an army, and just felt a surge of inspiration?
Yes, of course you have. You're a wargamer.
Me too.
These "butterflies" are all around. And over the past 18 months, rather than trying to squash such lepidoptera, instead I decided to get them "flying in formation" - I suppose, getting my butterflies formed up as regular troops, rather then having them haring off in all directions.
In short, I wanted to organise my thoughts (my trusty notebook came out again) and assess what I wanted from the hobby, my collection, and my gaming (which had become practically non-existent).
So, here's what I came up with...
I hope it explains (to those who were wondering, or suggesting "he's gone off track again!") just where this is heading.
1. Firstly, my main collection: the 18th century Pils-Holstein project. This is a large undertaking, a long-term build, with much of the painting outsourced (to David Jarvis and Mark Allen, among others).
Above: latest arrivals from David- Prussian IR19.
Next job is for me to base them. The thing is, if this was my one and only project, my hobby would descend into a mass of basing. That would be it. Basing. Yeah... you get the picture.
I know, some might say, "But, Phil, why don't you do some of the painting for this project?" Well, knocking out rows of rank and file troops in identical uniforms is ok, but I can't manage the whole task, and don't want to mix my painting style with that of the professionals (Mark and David)!
2. Skirmishing - the other end of the spectrum: this is my Colonial project using TSATF rules, based in my fictional colony of Ghabazaar which has a southern desert (not unlike The Sudan) and northern hills (not unlike The Northwest Frontier) thereby allowing me to depict both theatres.
This has always been a fascinating period for me, and allows the whimsical part of my hobby to come through too, with some off-piste Victoriana thrown in for good measure. For some reason, this project surfaces every winter (perhaps out of longing for sunnier climes!).
TSATF game in progress.
3. Display Projects: love them or hate them, I think the sort of games seen at shows have done more to promote the hobby than anything else. Just look at the early years of the wargames magazines, Miniature Wargames and Wargames Illustrated, and you'll see what I mean. Much of the eye-candy, and inspiration, came from such games (some call them "Demo Games," but I prefer the title "Display Games" as my own penchant is for those which show off excellent terrain, painting, conversions, vignettes, buildings etc. and I'm less fussed about the actual game that's happening, or not as the case may be).
Over the years, I've done a fair few, and I have been thinking it's time to return to that fold. In the past, as well as my efforts as part of The League of Augsburg through the 1990s and up to 2005, I have also presented The Italian Wars, Eastern Renaissance (Cossacks and Polish Winged Hussars), and Thirty Years War.
In fact, when I wandered into Partizan at Newark recently, first person I bumped into was Tricks himself who asked the burning question: "Would you put on a game next year?" This will likely be a joint collaboration with Mark Allen. We'll see.
4. Off-the-Shelf gaming: this is designed to address those periods where I just fancy an army to play games with, against fellow hobbyists, perhaps at events (not competition gaming, no!), so using a standard set of rules, standard basing conventions and so on. It means me creating smallish armies (sometimes these are just 150 ish figures), often ancient period. In the past I did Sassanids, and Mongols. Latest is Macedonian Successors.
Above: Macedonian Successors w-i-p. First few units done. This has been my focus for the past couple of months. Not a bad output for 6 weeks worth of painting, taking account of time away from home.
So, that's the butterflies, flying in formation, neatly arrayed. I'm making no excuses, or trying to defend what I'm up to. Just wanted to explain some of the rationale behind what may look (from the outside) like a lack of focus.
Other news...
I notice the change of editor for Miniature Wargames magazine has taken place. There's no doubt that Henry turned this particular ship round, and did a fine job in returning it to a course that resonates more than the previous version, in my mind anyway. Well done H.
It's true to say that MW (with and without BG) has been through a number of incarnations over the years, and I hope the style of the next version builds on what Henry had done of late.
Also in the magazines this month, this time in WI, it's good to see the name Andy Callan making an appearance in the 1066 article. I well remember the Dark Age Infantry Slog (DAIS) back in MW 7.
And it was in that same issue, MW7, that this picture appeared:
Seleucids, debouching from a city gateway.
This inspired me to build a Successor army way back in the early 80s... in 15mm. And now, 30+ years on, here we go again.
Inspiration from magazine pictures.
... Which is where we came in...
Yes, of course you have. You're a wargamer.
Me too.
These "butterflies" are all around. And over the past 18 months, rather than trying to squash such lepidoptera, instead I decided to get them "flying in formation" - I suppose, getting my butterflies formed up as regular troops, rather then having them haring off in all directions.
In short, I wanted to organise my thoughts (my trusty notebook came out again) and assess what I wanted from the hobby, my collection, and my gaming (which had become practically non-existent).
So, here's what I came up with...
I hope it explains (to those who were wondering, or suggesting "he's gone off track again!") just where this is heading.
1. Firstly, my main collection: the 18th century Pils-Holstein project. This is a large undertaking, a long-term build, with much of the painting outsourced (to David Jarvis and Mark Allen, among others).
Above: latest arrivals from David- Prussian IR19.
Next job is for me to base them. The thing is, if this was my one and only project, my hobby would descend into a mass of basing. That would be it. Basing. Yeah... you get the picture.
I know, some might say, "But, Phil, why don't you do some of the painting for this project?" Well, knocking out rows of rank and file troops in identical uniforms is ok, but I can't manage the whole task, and don't want to mix my painting style with that of the professionals (Mark and David)!
2. Skirmishing - the other end of the spectrum: this is my Colonial project using TSATF rules, based in my fictional colony of Ghabazaar which has a southern desert (not unlike The Sudan) and northern hills (not unlike The Northwest Frontier) thereby allowing me to depict both theatres.
This has always been a fascinating period for me, and allows the whimsical part of my hobby to come through too, with some off-piste Victoriana thrown in for good measure. For some reason, this project surfaces every winter (perhaps out of longing for sunnier climes!).
TSATF game in progress.
3. Display Projects: love them or hate them, I think the sort of games seen at shows have done more to promote the hobby than anything else. Just look at the early years of the wargames magazines, Miniature Wargames and Wargames Illustrated, and you'll see what I mean. Much of the eye-candy, and inspiration, came from such games (some call them "Demo Games," but I prefer the title "Display Games" as my own penchant is for those which show off excellent terrain, painting, conversions, vignettes, buildings etc. and I'm less fussed about the actual game that's happening, or not as the case may be).
Over the years, I've done a fair few, and I have been thinking it's time to return to that fold. In the past, as well as my efforts as part of The League of Augsburg through the 1990s and up to 2005, I have also presented The Italian Wars, Eastern Renaissance (Cossacks and Polish Winged Hussars), and Thirty Years War.
In fact, when I wandered into Partizan at Newark recently, first person I bumped into was Tricks himself who asked the burning question: "Would you put on a game next year?" This will likely be a joint collaboration with Mark Allen. We'll see.
4. Off-the-Shelf gaming: this is designed to address those periods where I just fancy an army to play games with, against fellow hobbyists, perhaps at events (not competition gaming, no!), so using a standard set of rules, standard basing conventions and so on. It means me creating smallish armies (sometimes these are just 150 ish figures), often ancient period. In the past I did Sassanids, and Mongols. Latest is Macedonian Successors.
Above: Macedonian Successors w-i-p. First few units done. This has been my focus for the past couple of months. Not a bad output for 6 weeks worth of painting, taking account of time away from home.
So, that's the butterflies, flying in formation, neatly arrayed. I'm making no excuses, or trying to defend what I'm up to. Just wanted to explain some of the rationale behind what may look (from the outside) like a lack of focus.
Other news...
I notice the change of editor for Miniature Wargames magazine has taken place. There's no doubt that Henry turned this particular ship round, and did a fine job in returning it to a course that resonates more than the previous version, in my mind anyway. Well done H.
It's true to say that MW (with and without BG) has been through a number of incarnations over the years, and I hope the style of the next version builds on what Henry had done of late.
Also in the magazines this month, this time in WI, it's good to see the name Andy Callan making an appearance in the 1066 article. I well remember the Dark Age Infantry Slog (DAIS) back in MW 7.
And it was in that same issue, MW7, that this picture appeared:
Seleucids, debouching from a city gateway.
This inspired me to build a Successor army way back in the early 80s... in 15mm. And now, 30+ years on, here we go again.
Inspiration from magazine pictures.
... Which is where we came in...
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
A Successor-ful Summer ... so far
My latest workbench picture shows what I've been up to the past few weeks...
Fancied doing something Ancient, and decided on a Macedonian Successor army.
Units at various stages of completion...
Not a bad output so far:
2 x 24 figure phalanxes
8 skirmish archers
8 skirmish javelinmen
and some command figures.
That's in just 4 weeks of very painless painting.
Next - a sort of elite-peltast/ thorakites type unit - is undercoated.
Figures will be based when I pick up the bases at Partizan this coming weekend. And I'll be further inspired when I see Simon Miller's Raphia game, I'm sure.
This is the 4th time I've "done" Successors/ Macedonians. I had a 15mm Seleucid army way back when my brother and I played WRG 5th edition. That army subsequently got sold off when I got out of 15s. I then had a couple of attempts (un-successor-ful attempts!) at building Macedonian armies for WAB a few years back.
This time, I'll be using War & Conquest (the successor to WAB, written and produced by Rob Broom, formerly of Wahammer Historical). There appears to be a good community of players, and the odd weekend to attend for some games, so that will be fun.
Having expressed this new interest to a fellow wargamer who I hadn't seen for a while, Steve Gill, he too decided to pick up the reins and dabble with some Parthian type chaps. We got together, over a very nice lunch at a convenient midpoint in The Cotswolds, and shared many ideas and plans. No promises, no great pressure - just for the fun of it.
That's all for now. For those who are taking the trip to Newark this coming weekend, see you at Partizan...
Fancied doing something Ancient, and decided on a Macedonian Successor army.
Units at various stages of completion...
Not a bad output so far:
2 x 24 figure phalanxes
8 skirmish archers
8 skirmish javelinmen
and some command figures.
That's in just 4 weeks of very painless painting.
Next - a sort of elite-peltast/ thorakites type unit - is undercoated.
Figures will be based when I pick up the bases at Partizan this coming weekend. And I'll be further inspired when I see Simon Miller's Raphia game, I'm sure.
This is the 4th time I've "done" Successors/ Macedonians. I had a 15mm Seleucid army way back when my brother and I played WRG 5th edition. That army subsequently got sold off when I got out of 15s. I then had a couple of attempts (un-successor-ful attempts!) at building Macedonian armies for WAB a few years back.
This time, I'll be using War & Conquest (the successor to WAB, written and produced by Rob Broom, formerly of Wahammer Historical). There appears to be a good community of players, and the odd weekend to attend for some games, so that will be fun.
Having expressed this new interest to a fellow wargamer who I hadn't seen for a while, Steve Gill, he too decided to pick up the reins and dabble with some Parthian type chaps. We got together, over a very nice lunch at a convenient midpoint in The Cotswolds, and shared many ideas and plans. No promises, no great pressure - just for the fun of it.
That's all for now. For those who are taking the trip to Newark this coming weekend, see you at Partizan...
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Here is the News...
Not a lot has been happening in my wargaming world...
Following a period of reflection as to what to do next, my birthday came along at just the right time and allowed me to make a few purchases: a new set of rules, some figures, and further books for background reading.
I've decided to dip a toes back into some ancients, just for the hell of it... we'll see where it goes. More on this at some point.
Last weekend, I happened to be up in the north-east where Dianne's parents were holding their Diamond Wedding Anniversary celebrations. Imagine my surprise to find there was a show on in Stockton (Muster on the Parade Ground), just 15 minutes from where we were staying. So, off I trot on Saturday, with just a small list (just a couple of bits n bobs).
Sadly, the show was, in my opinion, pretty poor. No demo games (and therefore precious little in the way of eye candy to inspire) and only a smattering of traders... and as far as I could make out, very few "punters".
Anyway, I got what was on the list, and within 40 minutes we were heading away...
The show billed itself as "Participation only" games, and the only one that took the eye was a Sudan affair, using Carlo's rules, and Connoisseur figures:

Well done to the guys running that game.
That's all for now, but I'll share more on the Ancients front when I finish something worth showing...
Thanks for dropping by.
Following a period of reflection as to what to do next, my birthday came along at just the right time and allowed me to make a few purchases: a new set of rules, some figures, and further books for background reading.
I've decided to dip a toes back into some ancients, just for the hell of it... we'll see where it goes. More on this at some point.
Last weekend, I happened to be up in the north-east where Dianne's parents were holding their Diamond Wedding Anniversary celebrations. Imagine my surprise to find there was a show on in Stockton (Muster on the Parade Ground), just 15 minutes from where we were staying. So, off I trot on Saturday, with just a small list (just a couple of bits n bobs).
Sadly, the show was, in my opinion, pretty poor. No demo games (and therefore precious little in the way of eye candy to inspire) and only a smattering of traders... and as far as I could make out, very few "punters".
Anyway, I got what was on the list, and within 40 minutes we were heading away...
The show billed itself as "Participation only" games, and the only one that took the eye was a Sudan affair, using Carlo's rules, and Connoisseur figures:

Well done to the guys running that game.
That's all for now, but I'll share more on the Ancients front when I finish something worth showing...
Thanks for dropping by.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Roaming to Rhodes
At the risk of turning into Alan Wicker, here are a few snaps from our recent holiday in Rhodes, posted here simply because some will be of interest to those who like fortifications and can build such things in miniature...
The moat walk affords an ideal view of the imposing walls...

The old town, in parts practically unchanged for hundreds of years, has a fantastic atmosphere.

Our hotel provided lovely views from the 11th floor restaurant balcony out over to Asia Minor, just a few miles away. I can imagine ancient peoples looking across the short stretch of water and wondering what could lie within those vast lands...

That's all for now.
Not much to report in the way of wargaming, although being in hot climes with ancient histories always stimulates thoughts of new armies!
The moat walk affords an ideal view of the imposing walls...

The old town, in parts practically unchanged for hundreds of years, has a fantastic atmosphere.

Our hotel provided lovely views from the 11th floor restaurant balcony out over to Asia Minor, just a few miles away. I can imagine ancient peoples looking across the short stretch of water and wondering what could lie within those vast lands...

That's all for now.
Not much to report in the way of wargaming, although being in hot climes with ancient histories always stimulates thoughts of new armies!
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Austrians and Prussians
Have finished 3 battalions of 1770s Austrians, which will act as fictional Astrovians in my mid-18th century Pils-Holstein campaign.
The figures were created by John Ray, who sold me a whole load of them several years ago. I hadn't done anything with them until recently when I decided on a speed-painting experiment.
They were awarded their flags (courtesy of Mark Allen) last weekend as we journeyed to Partizan.
Regiments shown are: Kaizer, Deuchmeister, and Salm-Salm.

Figure painting by me, flags by Mark Allen.
Also not shown before, the Prussian IR5 battalion...

Figures, from my own range, painted by Dave Jarvis, flags by Mark, based by yours truly.
I came back from Partizan as inspired as I had been by Salute. Met lots of people, enjoyed the chatter and the games, and the new venue. Well done to the organising team.
The figures were created by John Ray, who sold me a whole load of them several years ago. I hadn't done anything with them until recently when I decided on a speed-painting experiment.
They were awarded their flags (courtesy of Mark Allen) last weekend as we journeyed to Partizan.
Regiments shown are: Kaizer, Deuchmeister, and Salm-Salm.

Figure painting by me, flags by Mark Allen.
Also not shown before, the Prussian IR5 battalion...

Figures, from my own range, painted by Dave Jarvis, flags by Mark, based by yours truly.
I came back from Partizan as inspired as I had been by Salute. Met lots of people, enjoyed the chatter and the games, and the new venue. Well done to the organising team.
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Partizan Bring n Buy
Partizan Bring n Buy ?
Apparently there isn't one...
Which is a shame, because I was going to sell a few bits n bobs...
...such as these:

Above: Austrian Command vignettes: £ 30 for the pair.
Update: Bought by Henry.

Above: Artillery - gun + crew, + 8 single-based artillery crew, plus officer and 4 artillerymen marching (unbased). Total £ 30.
Update: Bought by Chris G.
So, if you are going to Partizan, and want to buy these, let me know in the comments below, and we'll arrange exchange.
On the subject of Partizan, I'm very much looking forward to it, and to the new venue. Looks like some good games are on, and I have a couple of traders in the cross-wires at the moment!!
See you there.
Apparently there isn't one...
Which is a shame, because I was going to sell a few bits n bobs...
...such as these:

Above: Austrian Command vignettes: £ 30 for the pair.
Update: Bought by Henry.
Above: Austrian artillery - 2 guns and crews, plus a couple of spare figures... £30 the lot.
Update: Bought by Chris G.
Above: Prussian fusiliers - 14 figures. £ 30.
Update: bought by Stuart Parkin.

Above: Artillery - gun + crew, + 8 single-based artillery crew, plus officer and 4 artillerymen marching (unbased). Total £ 30.
Update: Bought by Chris G.
Above: Jagers. These are dressed in black coats (an imaginary uni), but could easily have green applied to make into historical unit. 8 figures. Just £10.
Update: Jagger's bought by Alan (Tradgardmastere).So, if you are going to Partizan, and want to buy these, let me know in the comments below, and we'll arrange exchange.
On the subject of Partizan, I'm very much looking forward to it, and to the new venue. Looks like some good games are on, and I have a couple of traders in the cross-wires at the moment!!
See you there.
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