Following a period of reflection as to what to do next, my birthday came along at just the right time and allowed me to make a few purchases: a new set of rules, some figures, and further books for background reading.
I've decided to dip a toes back into some ancients, just for the hell of it... we'll see where it goes. More on this at some point.
Last weekend, I happened to be up in the north-east where Dianne's parents were holding their Diamond Wedding Anniversary celebrations. Imagine my surprise to find there was a show on in Stockton (Muster on the Parade Ground), just 15 minutes from where we were staying. So, off I trot on Saturday, with just a small list (just a couple of bits n bobs).
Sadly, the show was, in my opinion, pretty poor. No demo games (and therefore precious little in the way of eye candy to inspire) and only a smattering of traders... and as far as I could make out, very few "punters".
Anyway, I got what was on the list, and within 40 minutes we were heading away...
The show billed itself as "Participation only" games, and the only one that took the eye was a Sudan affair, using Carlo's rules, and Connoisseur figures:

Well done to the guys running that game.
That's all for now, but I'll share more on the Ancients front when I finish something worth showing...
Thanks for dropping by.