Yesterday, we gathered in The Cotswolds at The Bell Inn (in Moreton in Marsh) which is reputed to be Tolkien's inspiration for The Prancing Pony Inn at Bree.
Now, I know that, as historical wargamers, many readers will be pretending not to know what I'm talking about, ahem, but I thought some may be interested in the odd photo.

The inevitable blue plaque photots...
above: yours truly
below: Steve.

The most noticeable Tolkien reference is the large wall map in the room we sat in for lunch:

A couple of photos hanging on the walls also allude to the Tolkien connection...
...and of course, I had to have a picture of the bar. I can just see Pippin excitedly rushing up to get a 'pint'!!
We had a very enjoyable lunch (not booked under the name "Underhill"... although I was tempted), and a three hour chat about all things wargaming.
I'm not sure what the barman, or the other patrons thought of us sitting with notebook, paper and pen, and talking about ideas for our hobby.
But who cares!
Most importantly, we emerged with what I'm calling Battle-plan 2020.
The proliferation of rule sets and 'systems' allowing quick games with around 40-50 figures per side has not gone unnoticed by these Fencibles, and it was agreed that every now and again, a painting blitz might be used to produce something game-able very quickly, allowing us to tame the butterflies rather than always fighting them off.
Already I'm looking forward to getting more table time in 2020.
And that will spur the painting on too.
Bring it on...