From 1992 this involved attending many shows and putting on demonstration games that were featured frequently in the wargames press under the banner of "The League of Augsburg", a name I conjured for our group during a telephone conversation with Alan (now more famous as "Tradgadmaster" in blogger-land) in the run up to the Kirriemuir show in 1992 where, along with two others we were to run a game.
My fascination for the period had begun with Charles Grant's book, "From Pike to Shot", wherein there is a wonderful section on Sedgemoor, and I had begun to build the Royal Army. Soon after, following chance meetings with like-minded gamers, this "grew arms and legs", and an interest in Killiecrankie meant Hastings Regiment was also raised along with Balfour's. And before long, I was adding Dutch and sundry other allied troops to the collection, plus a smattering of French.
A number of these units had distinguished tabletop careers, notably Oxford's Horse who were the scourge of French, Irish, Scots Jacobites, and anyone else they could plough into the ground! I won't tell you what my regular opponent referred to them as, such was the terror they struck into the enemy! They are on "long loan" to a good friend these days who still plays the period, and so their tabletop adventures continue!
Around 1996-7, we embarked on The Great Northern War project, to add to our repertoire, and again toured the shows around the country.
Of this whole period, I have kept very few photos, and most of the units have been broken up and re-organised, or simply sold on down the years.
Here are just a few of the units, shown here for posterity...
Above: Dumbarton's Regt.
Below: Balfour's Regt.
Above: Bavarian Cuirassiers.
Below: Bavarian Grenadiers.
Above: Dutch artillery
Below: Dutch regt von Bulow.
Below: Dutch horse.
Above: English Dragoons, mounted, dismounted and horse holders.
Below: English horse.
Above: French regt Blaisois.
Below: French Dragoons - regt Dauphin
Above: English light gun.
Below: English Foot: Princess Anne of Denmark's regt (PADs)
Above: Prussian Kronprinz regt - undergoing some re-basing at the time of the picture.
Below: some of the many vignettes created.
Finally... Jonkoppings Regt - Swedes from The Great Northern War.
Being also a willing volunteer to produce scratch-built buildings for our games, I adopted the Games Workshop style, and made many that were to adorn front covers of Wargames Illustrated during the 1990s...
Nice flags on the Swedes,are they hand painted?