Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Battle of Dottingheim

It's hotting up in Dottingheim and environs.
The sketch map shows the tabletop layout.

It is September, and in Pils Holstein the harvest is about to begin, although the recent heavy rains have delayed this somewhat.
Rumours of a build-up of French forces for one of their probing attacks into the borderlands of Pils Holstein are not uncommon. But of late, these have been rather more consistent, and an attack in the area of Dottingheim seems imminent.

With Markgraf Heinrich having been replaced in local command now making his way to Breitlinghoven to attend to urgent affairs on his estates, his successor, von Kreist, assesses the position.
Rumours of a build-up of French forces just across the border mean that he will reinforce this position, guarding the crossing points and fords over the Trentenbruch. The watercourse has been swollen by the late summer rains, giving von Kreist time to assemble a blocking force to assist the militia gun-team who permanently man the gun position ("Der Grossenbomber") atop the hill.
As the golden wheat in the fields around Dottingheim sways in the breeze, Kreist realises the air is warm, and that means the ground will soon dry out... and a French attack will be more likely.

Briefings have been sent to the respective commanders, and we're ready for the showdown this coming Saturday.


  1. Tremendous stuff Phil.

  2. Phil,

    Lovely map.

    AMG audience eagerly await the conflict.

    Are you going to share the game with blog world, given the lack of response to your post?


  3. I look forward to seeing the follow up! Good to chat with you on Sunday by the way.

  4. Phil
    As a blogger myself and a member of AMG and a member of what John calls "blogworld" I hope you will share a synthesis and photos with blogworld too - lack of response doesn't mean visitors aren't interested or watching, it just means they are shy...... Your stuff is too good just for AMG and should stimulate the less fortunate masses too.
    Chris G

  5. Looks like a good tabletop deployment for a good, tremendous battle. Pleas take some pictures of the game and post them - I adore your scenes!

  6. Hello, Phil.

    An entertaining write-up, and excellent figures and scenery. This blog is a pleasing followup to "The Classic Wargamer's Journal".

    The map & scenario is a very useful one & I can see it as a likely start to a conflict in my Imagi-nations games one day.

    What make is the earthworks for Der Grossenbomber? Is it one of your handmade specials, or is it commercially available, please?

    Cheers, Rohan.
