In reality, life's rich tapestry has meant I have been uninclined to blog, and even I had started to get tired of simply putting up posts of the newest unit off the production line.
There has, however, been lots going on, and within that rich tapestry, even some wargaming!
I recently had a visit from Jim Purky, all the way from the good ol' US of A, and hosted him as part of the AMG forum Partizan weekend.
As well as making sure Jim got to see our local castle (Kenilworth), and had a pint of real ale in a local pub, visited the ruins of Coventry cathedral, and enjoyed an evening in one of our favourite local restaurants, we visited Griffin Moulds, which is not far from where I live. It was great to see Jim's delight at meeting the people who bring his Minden range of figures to life.
The passing of Stewart Griffin (who I met personally only a couple of times, but with whom I got on really well) has, of course, hit the Griffin team very hard. But there's a steely resolve to take the business forward, and things seem to be in very good hands.
I myself will be back there towards the end of the summer to run another mould. More of which anon.
I mentioned life's rich tapestry above, and it's been in my mind lately that I have found a perfect box for my wargaming hobby to co-exist with all my other interests... And that is helped considerably by me focusing on one main project. It means I'm not obsessed just with wargaming - an obsession which I've always felt somewhat unhealthy (to some that would seem like heresy, but each to their own...). I can safely say I haven't been as content in my hobby for a long while.
Too many people in our hobby, in my opinion, have far too much time on their hands, and seem to spend too many hours on forums obsessing in endless mastication, very often generating angst, jealousy, and argument. Keyboard warriors abound, and horrendous vitriol and childish threats ensue. I only visit a couple of places online regularly, preferring to have a weekend time slot to catch up on the wider online hobby, passing only a cursory glance over the online bickering, and seeking out the more positive and informative postings. However, of late, I have myself been subjected to such spite on a particular forum; seemingly arbitrary sniping, almost invisible to other participants, but very real nonetheless. Turning the other cheek to such pettiness is the best approach, and just walking away to get on with more important things is best policy. Life's rich tapestry - having plenty of other things to get on with - has allowed me to do just that.
So, back to this small corner of the online world.
Here's a little reward for reading this far... A new command vignette, painted by Mark Allen, based by me.
This is Phillipe Dejean, Duc d'Orly, one of the key French commanders in the forthcoming Pils-Holstein campaign.
Below, the reverse of the flag includes an interpretation of the d'Orly family crest (d'Orly is apparently root of my own surname) as it was described to me around 1990 by one of those "trace your family history" people who have stands in shopping arcades in towns around the country. Its accuracy is, of course, questionable, but when it comes to commanders' flags and insignia, I'm always open to a little creativity and imagination.

That's all for now...
But, yes, it is my intention to post more often... Thank you for your patience.
Gorgeous vignette, Phil! Glad to see you back too.
ReplyDeleteBest Regards,
Welcome back...with a splendid vignette!
ReplyDeleteThanks Stokes and Phil.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to be back. Much more to come...
Lovely vignette Phil. How nice to have a family name you can use in an Imagi-nation context, backed up by a splendid staff group. Having been the beneficiary of your support on art and wargaming over several years it's very hard to imagine who could use you as a target for vitriol, obviously someone who doesn't know you I guess.
ReplyDeletebest wishes
I can attest to the fact that Phil is a gracious host and good company to keep. I had a wonderful time during my visit to Coventry and appreciated the opportunity to view Phil's game collection and learn more about ECW re enacting.
ReplyDeleteYou make a good point about not letting the hobby become an obsession that crowds out other important facets of life, particularly ones family. I recently cut my forums back to one, AMG, while my visits to TMP are more business related now and less for chatting and thread obsession.
The vignette looks wonderful Phil. Did those laggard drummers ever catch up with the rest of the army? :)
Thx Jim. Sadly the drummers are still on some sort of "long march" ... Who knows when they will turn up. I'll keep listening out for them!
ReplyDeleteChris, you might be very surprised! But, no more on that...
Lovely vignette there Phil. I've always found that the hobby leaves me refreshed for real life, but I suppose that I tend to use it as a refuge from the stresses and strains of things.
ReplyDeleteI recall a number of years ago when I was going through a particularly bad patch my wife saying to me gently, "Darling, it is not perhaps time you started a new war?" I felt a bit like Bluchers step father.
Hi Phil,
ReplyDeleteAs a frequent visitor to many fora, I have to rest my eyes(!), I do have sympathy for your stance. Too many times has a perfectly reasonable post been misunderstood and given rise to argument. Whether this is due to information being misunderstood or simply getting lost in translation I do not know. I would like to think that most of us are of reasonably sound mind and would balk at the idea of deliberately being antagonistic- I know that thsi isnot so.
As a mod on the once wildly busy WAB forum I've been attacked via PM (cowardly) a fewtimes and it did sort of get to me. There you are attempting to make sure that the forum was running smoothly for the benefit of all and the next thing one knows I was the lucky recipient of seemingly aggressive vitriol. It's just sad.
Anyway, happy to see the vignette, which is ovely and happt that we may be getting more posts coming from your direction.
ReplyDeleteSuperb little vigennete. I do wish I could have the same inspiration for my command staff as to have family members represented on the tabletop.
On other matters I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles. Whatever your decision I look forward to following your blog and to hopefully meeting you again at a show in the future.
What a lovely command vignette, the flag is really nice
ReplyDelete--- Allan
Thank you Conrad, Darrell, Paul and Allan.
ReplyDeleteComments appreciated.
Don't get me wrong, the "life's rich tapestry" stuff has all been positive, good and fun.
Things like exciting business events, lovely holidays/breaks, a garden party to organise, trips to theatre, school reunion, and loads more. It's a brilliant life,a dn I wouldn't change it for anything. That's my point. Wargaming g has a place in it... and just that, a place. It's part of that life, and not an obsession that prevents me enjoying the time, energy, and resources to do all these other things.
I'm very lucky I guess.
Thanks for your comments.
Hi Phil - read your post with much joy on seeing this lovely command vignette and then obviously with some disdain in terms of tales of vitriol that can occur in the various forums. Your choice of AMG is always of the most solid nature as we lucky few all know. Great to see you easily shrugging off the pests with your usual positive attitude.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carlo.
ReplyDeleteSadly, though, I won't be back on AMG.
My 18th century project developments will be recorded here do keep visiting!
Your comments are always appreciated.
What a superb vignette, the composition and the flag are excellent